A by-election will be held on Thursday 30th November in the Sowerby & Topcliffe division, caused by the resignation of Cllr Whitfield.
We are delighted that Dave Elders has been chosen by Party members to be the Conservative candidate.
Dave is a local man, part of a long standing local family who has lived between Sowerby and Thirsk most of his life and was educated at Thirsk School.
After over 30yrs as a police officer with North Yorkshire Police Dave retired in 2005. He wanted to put something back into his local community.
For 10yrs he was the manager of Thirsk Community Minibus Association, and within that time he was a governor of Thirsk Community Primary School, becoming its chairman for 2yrs. Dave is also currently the chairman of the local branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers.
Between October 2018 and March this year Dave was an elected member of Hambleton District Council, serving on the Planning, Licensing and Audit Committees. During that time Dave is proud to be associated with some notable local achievements:- Saving the Lambert Hospital for community use, securing £4m funding to upgrade the Leisure Centre (Dave actually remembers, as a young child, being involved in the fundraising to build it). And also the development of Sowerby Sports Village and the building of the local Crematorium.
As you can see he is passionate about the area and if elected will do all he can to serve the interests of the residents and businesses of Sowerby and the surrounding area.
Dave says “It’s people that matter most not politics and that must never get in the way of our needs locally. I strongly believe that the services and decisions of the council must reflect the needs of the people it serves. I will ensure that your voice is heard, to deliver a fair share of the council’s resources for Sowerby, Topcliffe and the other villages”.
If you would like to help with Dave's campaign, please get in touch on 01653 693502 or info@thirskandmaltonconservatives.com